Roberta Grant, Feng Shui of Life in her Atlanta Area Home

welcome to my world!

I believe that our environment determines much of our well-being. I received certification from the highly respected Western School of Feng Shui in Solana Beach, California, with additional study at Feng Shui USA in St. Petersburg, Florida.

With certification from the Atlanta College of Art in residential interior design, I focus on an integration of interiors and Feng Shui in creating a unique and personal approach to each clients needs. I am available to address all spaces including home, business, and landscapes. I also offer public speaking engagements.

I have taught Feng Shui Essentials, a 10 week class at Atlanta College of Art and Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD Atlanta Campus) for the last 12 years. Please contact me for current class information.

On May 28, 2006, I was honored to be featured on CNN Sunday Morning. Watch the interview.